
Estimados alumnos y alumnas del Vate Vicente Huidobro, doy a Uds. la bienvenida a este blog, destinado a ayudarles por medio de la web, como una forma de apoyo real en sus aprendizajes del Inglés.
Aquí hallarán material de apoyo permanente, tales como guías trabajadas en la clase, unidades de aprendizaje, material relacionado con vocabulario y gramática, asi como también algunos ejercicios de reforzamiento permanente para tu quehacer en la asignatura.

Your teacher, Iván.

Archivo del blog

martes, 5 de junio de 2007



Afirmativas ( SOME = unos, unas, algunos, algunas; algo de, un poco de )

There are some books on the table
There are some girls in the garden
There are some pens in that box

There is some sugar in this cup
There is some coffee in the glass
There is some water in that bowl

Interrogativas (ANY = algo de, un poco de; algunos, algunas )

Is there any bread at home?
Is there any rice in the pot?
Is there any milk in that bottle?

Are there any children in the yard?
Are there any students in the classroom?
Are there any coins in this purse?

Negativas ( ANY = nada de; ningún, ninguna ; [no traducible] )

There isn’t any wine in the glass
There isn’t any oil in this pan
There isn’t any ink in the printer

There aren’t any boys in the field
There aren’t any words in this line
There aren’t any tickets for that concert


Diagnóstico Cuarto Medio 2007



I .Indica la forma gramatical en que se halla cada oración (Afirmativa, Interrogativa
o Negativa) (sin traducir):

My friend works in a modern enterprise …………………….
The students didn´t solve the problems .................................
Will you come tomorrow morning ? .................................
Does Mary like pop music? .................................
I would accept that invitation .................................
She won´t bring all the money .................................

II. Transforma las siguientes oraciones, de modo que queden como preguntas
(forma Interrogativa)

George travelled to Europe last year ………………………………………...........

My mother will buy a new dress ........................................................................

These boys are preparing a new project ..................................................................

This man speaks several languages ........................................................................

III. Responde las siguientes preguntas en Inglés:

1. What are your favourite TV programs? .............................................................


2. Where do you study this year? ............................................................................


3. How long have you been in this school ? ...........................................................


4. What do you think about technology ?.................................................................



Futuro " Going to "

translate into Spanish:

She is going to play tennis ..........................................................
We are going to read a book ..........................................................
He is going to watch TV .........................................................
Betty is going to speak ..........................................................
They are going to study English ...........................................................
It is going to rain next week ...........................................................
I am going to write some poems ...........................................................
Maurice is going to read ...........................................................

Write this questions correctly:

George/going to/now/is/sing ? .....................................................
going to/mother/food/prepare/some/is ? ....................................................
going to/Patrick/clean/is/the/board ? ....................................................
they/study/are/going to/mathematics ? ....................................................
tennis/the children/play/are/going to ? .....................................................
live/in Santiago/Mary/is/going to ? .....................................................

Say if it is RIGHT or WRONG :

My father is going to buy a new house in San Miguel ...................
The students are to read going a novel now ...................
Peter am going to play basketball tomorrow ...................
My parents are travelling going to England ...................
I am going to study at the university next year ...................
Those men are going to pay all the money ...................

Complete the blanks using the missing words:

We .............. going to practise some skills
My friend is .......................... come this afternoon
The children are going to drink ............................
The teacher ................ going to apply a test
That woman is going to ........................ to music
these students are .............................. learn Biology

Write the corresponding question for each answer:

................................................................................................. They are going to buy some bread in the
................................................................................................. She is going to listen to modern music
................................................................................................. We are going to meet at 5:00 o'clock
................................................................................................. He is going to leave the money at home
................................................................................................. It is going to rain tomorrow morning
................................................................................................. She is going to get a prize

Tiempos Gramaticales

Cambia cada oración al tiempo que se indica en paréntesis:

1. Peter lives in a beautiful village (futuro)

2. They study philosophy in that university (presente continuo)

3. We write some poems in our holidays (pasado simple)

4. My friend works in a modern enterprise (condicional)

5. Those women buy a lot of goods there (pasado perfecto)

6. I prefer to help these poor people (presente perfecto)

7. The teachers prepare an interesting project (pasado continuo)

Saludos Día del Alumno

les desea con aprecio su profesor

Prof. Jefe 1er Año F

11 de mayo 2007.


Nombre: Curso: Fecha:
1.- Escriba brevemente su opinión en español acerca del siguiente párrafo.

Everywhere you look these days,you can see rings through ears, noses, lips, eyebrows.
And they are in lots of other places that you can not see, too!

2.- Escriba las siguientes palabras DICTADAS y luego escriba el significado en castellano

3.- Complete las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo TO BE

Susan ____________ a secretary

They __________ playing tennis

I________ a good student

Peter ____________a fottball player

Pat and Mary ___________ cooking

4.- Escriba en Inglés los antónimos de las siguientes palabras


Thin ____________________

Small ___________________

Poor ____________________

Fast ____________________

Hot _____________________

True ____________________