
Estimados alumnos y alumnas del Vate Vicente Huidobro, doy a Uds. la bienvenida a este blog, destinado a ayudarles por medio de la web, como una forma de apoyo real en sus aprendizajes del Inglés.
Aquí hallarán material de apoyo permanente, tales como guías trabajadas en la clase, unidades de aprendizaje, material relacionado con vocabulario y gramática, asi como también algunos ejercicios de reforzamiento permanente para tu quehacer en la asignatura.

Your teacher, Iván.

Archivo del blog

lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Questions and Answers (basic level)

Where do you live?
I live in a modern apartment
I live in a beautiful country
I live in a small town
I live in a tall building
I live in a special place
I live in a big house

Where do you study ?

I study in a modern school
I study in a dancing academy
I study in a private university

Where does George work?

He works in a beautiful place
He works in a modern cars factory
He works in a big and important electric plant

Where do they practise sports ?

They practise sports in a small stadium
They practice sports in a park near their house
They practise sports in a special field

When do you go to the cinema ?

I go to the cinema on week ends
I go to the cinema on saturdays
I go to the cinema on wednesdays

When does Mary buy her clothes ?

She buys her clothes on her birthday
She buys her clothes in summer
She buys her clothes every month

Why do you eat chocolates ?

I eat chocolates because I like them too much
I eat chocolates because they are very good
I eat chocolates because they are a good medicine

Cláusula IF

La cláusula IF está relacionada siempre con oraciones hipotéticas o condicionales.
Ejp: Yo iría al cine si tuviera tiempo = I would go to the cinema if I had the time.

Otros ejemplos son:

I would go to Europe if I had money for that
I would accept that invitation if I were free
I would buy a new house if I had a big family
They would study English if they were in England
She would sell her car if she wanted some money
We would answer those questions if we were sure
He would send those materials if he had a truck
The students would change their manners if they were educated
People would be happy if Transantiago functioned well
Mother would prepare a good cake if she had time enough

[Como puedes advertir, la zona destacada corresponde a una situación potencial o hipotética, que normalmente no se cumple]