Guía “Cláusula IF”
La cláusula IF corresponde a un “SI” condicional. Siempre existe una condición de por medio, para que la finalidad se cumpla. Algunos ejemplos son:
*If I had money I would travel through the world = si yo tuviese dinero viajaría por el
*If he had time he would study different subjects = si él tuviese tiempo estudiaría
distintos temas
*If we had a problem we would try to solve it = si tuviésemos un problema trataríamos
de resolverlo
*If Peter were in jail he would read a lot of books = si Peter estuviera en la cárcel leeria
muchos libros.
Nótese que el verbo que acompaña al IF siempre va en tiempo pasado, en tanto que la segunda parte de la oración lleva el verbo en condicional (aux. would)
A continuación hallarás un set de preguntas y respuestas en Inglés con esta estructura :
Question : What would you do if you were ill? ¿Qué harías si estuvieses enfermo?
Answer : If I were ill I would go to the doctor’s = Si estuviese enfermo iría al doctor
Question : What would you do if you had a lot of money? ¿Qué harías tú si tuvieras
mucho dinero?
Answer : If I had a lot of money I would help poor children = Si tuviese mucho dinero
ayudaría a los niños pobres
Question: What would Mary do if she were a secretary? ¿Qué haría Mary si ella fuese
Answer: If she were a secretary she would try to learn English = Si ella fuera secretaria
trataría de aprender Inglés
Question: What would the students do if they were responsible? ¿Qué harían los
estudiantes si ellos fuesen responsables?
Answer: If they were responsible they would prepare their homework opportunately =
Si ellos fueran responsables prepararían sus tareas oportunamente
Veamos otras oraciones similares:
If I had a solution I would help my students
If John were in hospital I would visit him every day
If mother were tired she would rest for a while
If the boys were good at english they would speak it in classes
If you were a good student you would study harder
If Maurice were absent he would send a note
If Transantiago were good people would be happy
If everybody had a job that would be a real success
If he won a prize he would share it with his parents
If Susan travelled to London she would bring many presents
If father got a good job he would receive a best salary
If politicians were correct people would admire them
If we were friends we would share some interests
If buses were faster transportation would be very efficient
If parents worried about their children they would be good citizens
If students were responsible they would get good marks
If books were cheaper everybody would access to culture
If you had more intelligence you would use different strategies
If Betty were married she would have many children
If I spoke english I would understand all the news in the cable
Exercise: Trata de hacer las preguntas correspondientes para cada oración
Ejp: What would X do if ………
Estimados alumnos y alumnas del Vate Vicente Huidobro, doy a Uds. la bienvenida a este blog, destinado a ayudarles por medio de la web, como una forma de apoyo real en sus aprendizajes del Inglés.
Aquí hallarán material de apoyo permanente, tales como guías trabajadas en la clase, unidades de aprendizaje, material relacionado con vocabulario y gramática, asi como también algunos ejercicios de reforzamiento permanente para tu quehacer en la asignatura.
Your teacher, Iván.
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lunes, 11 de junio de 2007
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