
Estimados alumnos y alumnas del Vate Vicente Huidobro, doy a Uds. la bienvenida a este blog, destinado a ayudarles por medio de la web, como una forma de apoyo real en sus aprendizajes del Inglés.
Aquí hallarán material de apoyo permanente, tales como guías trabajadas en la clase, unidades de aprendizaje, material relacionado con vocabulario y gramática, asi como también algunos ejercicios de reforzamiento permanente para tu quehacer en la asignatura.

Your teacher, Iván.

Archivo del blog

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Reported Speech

Discurso Indirecto

1. John : I am a good student [ John said he was a good student ]
2 .Peter: My teacher is a wise man [ Peter said his teacher was a wise man ]
3 .Mary: I want to get some money [ Mary said she wanted to get some money ]
4.The boys: We like listening to pop music [ The boys said they liked listening to pop
music ]
5 .A student: I don’t like mathematics [ A student said he didn’t like mathematics ]
6 .Mother: My husband is a responsible man [Mother said her husband was a responsible
7. The man: My wife doesn’t speak english ! [the man said his wife didn’ t speak english]
8 .The teacher: I have a good information for you ! [the teacher said he had a good
information for them]
9. A girl: Mom, I need your help, please ! [a girl said she needed her mother’s help]
[a girl said to her mother she needed her help]