
Estimados alumnos y alumnas del Vate Vicente Huidobro, doy a Uds. la bienvenida a este blog, destinado a ayudarles por medio de la web, como una forma de apoyo real en sus aprendizajes del Inglés.
Aquí hallarán material de apoyo permanente, tales como guías trabajadas en la clase, unidades de aprendizaje, material relacionado con vocabulario y gramática, asi como también algunos ejercicios de reforzamiento permanente para tu quehacer en la asignatura.

Your teacher, Iván.

Archivo del blog

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Questions with "DO" "DOES" "DID" "WILL" "WOULD"

Why does George study so much ? *He studies that way because he wants to go to the
Where did they hide that money ? *They hid the money behind that shelf
When will your father bring the materials? *He will bring them next tuesday afternoon
What would those men do without work? *They would do anything for getting money
How does your mother help you in studies? *She helps me giving me everything I need
What did your friends say about this? *They said it was a very good decision
Where did the boys play that match? *They played the match in the same field
How do you take notes in classes? * I write everything from the board and I put
my own comments in the margins
When will the students give their tests? *they will give them next tuesday morning
What does that woman think about love? *She thinks love is something really wonderful